
This is the web­site of the Kühne Cen­ter for Sus­tain­able Trade and Lo­gis­tics (“Kühne Cen­ter”). The Kühne Cen­ter main­tains this web­site for your per­son­al in­for­ma­tion and as a means of com­mu­ni­ca­tion. In us­ing the Kühne Cen­ter web­site, you ac­knowl­edge our terms of use and the terms of the con­tract (“terms of use, terms of the con­tract”) as well as the rel­e­vant laws and guide­lines cur­rent­ly in force.

The brands, names, ti­tles, lo­gos, pic­tures, de­signs, texts, and oth­er ma­te­ri­als used on this page are the prop­er­ty of the Kühne Cen­ter. The avail­able text and pic­ture files are pro­tect­ed with copy­rights and/or trade­marks and/or as a de­sign or are pro­tect­ed as prop­er­ty in oth­er man­ners. The Kühne Cen­ter re­serves the right to change the terms of use and of the con-tract by up­dat­ing this text with­out pri­or no­tice. These changes are bind­ing.

Terms of use, terms of the contract

All con­tent on this web­site is pro­tect­ed by copy­right. Un­less there is a no­ti­fi­ca­tion to the con­trary, the con­tent of the web­site may not be used for any pur­pose oth­er than those spec­i­fied in these terms of use and of the con­tract or as in­di­cat­ed in the text on the web­site with­out the writ­ten per­mis­sion of the Kühne Cen­ter.

The Kühne Cen­ter ac­cepts no li­a­bil­i­ty and of­fers no guar­an­tee that the use of the ma­te­ri­als ap­pear­ing on this site will not in­jure the rights of in­de­pen­dent third par­ties who are not af­fil­i­at­ed with the Kühne Cen­ter.

The con­tent of this web­site may only be down­loaded and used for non-com­mer­cial, in­for­ma­tive, and per­son­al pur­pos­es; the copy­right no­tice must ap­pear, and the doc­u­ments must re­main un­changed. Fur­ther­more, all copy­right, trade­mark, and oth­er no­ti­fi­ca­tions with re­spect to prop­er­ty rights in con­nec­tion with these ma­te­ri­als must be re­spect­ed.
Us­age out­side these re­stric­tions is not per­mit­ted. The pho­tos, pic­tures, de­signs, lo­gos, ti­tles, and brands (reg­is­tered and un­reg­is­tered) pub­lished on this web­site, as well as any oth­er con­tent of the web­site, are ei­ther the prop­er­ty of the Kühne Cen­ter or are used with the per­mis­sion of third par­ties. Us­age of this con­tent is pro­hib­it­ed with­out the writ­ten per­mis­sion of the Kühne Cen­ter or those third par­ties who are own­ers of the rights in ques­tion. The con­tent may not be dis­trib­uted, changed, pub­lished, trans­ferred, fur­ther used, fur­ther sent, en­tered into oth­er sys­tems or used for pub­lic or com­mer­cial pur­pos­es. Vi­o­la­tions will be pros­e­cut­ed in civ­il and/or crim­i­nal court.

Al­though the Kühne Cen­ter makes every ef­fort to en­sure that the con­tent of this web­site is cor­rect, it of­fers no guar­an­tee that the in­for­ma­tion on the site is up to date, cor­rect or com­plete. It also of­fers no guar­an­tee that the in­for­ma­tion cor­re­sponds to the user’s de­sired ob­jec­tives. The Kühne Cen­ter re­fus­es any li­a­bil­i­ty or re­spon­si­bil­i­ty for any er­ro­neous or in­com­plete con­tent on this web­site.

In par­tic­u­lar, doc­u­ments and graph­i­cal el­e­ments may con­tain tech­ni­cal or ty­po­graph­i­cal er­rors. Any use, brows­ing, and down­load of doc­u­ments and files from this web­site take place at the user’s own risk. The user is also re­spon­si­ble for data se­cu­ri­ty. Fur­ther­more, the Kühne Cen­ter ac­cepts no re­spon­si­bil­i­ty and is not li­able for any virus­es or oth­er dam­age to the user’s com­put­er sys­tem or oth­er prop­er­ties that oc­cur from ac­cess to this web­site, its us­age, or brows­ing on the web­site or while down­load­ing ma­te­ri­als, data, texts, pic­tures, video or au­dio ma­te­r­i­al.

The Kühne Cen­ter and all oth­er par­ties who are in­volved in the de­sign, pro­duc­tion, and prepa­ra­tion of this web­site en­tire­ly rule out any li­a­bil­i­ty for di­rect, co­in­ci­den­tal, or in­di­rect dam-ages, in­ci­den­tal dam­ages or claims to com­pen­sa­tion aris­ing from ac­cess to this web­site or the us­age of the web­site. In par­tic­u­lar, if a con­tract ex­ists be­tween the user and the Kühne Cen­ter, li­a­bil­i­ty for neg­li­gent breach of du­ties is ruled out, pro­vid­ed no con­trac­tu­al­ly rel­e­vant du­ties or guar­an­teed char­ac­ter­is­tics or claims from the prod­uct li­a­bil­i­ty laws are af­fect­ed. The same ap­plies for per­sons ful­fill­ing the con­tract.

All per­son­al de­tails sent to the Kühne Cen­ter will be treat­ed in ac­cor­dance with the pri­va­cy pol­i­cy on this web­site. Oth­er no­tices or ma­te­r­i­al that you send to the Kühne Cen­ter via the In­ter­net or e-mail (ideas, pic­tures, graph­i­cal im­ages, ques­tions, com­ments, sug­ges­tions, etc.) will not be treat­ed con­fi­den­tial­ly or con­sid­ered in con­nec­tion with in­tel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty laws.

Links to oth­er providers are of­fered for in­for­ma­tion only. The Kühne Cen­ter has not ex­am­ined any of the web­sites linked to from this site and is not re­spon­si­ble for their con­tent or their pri­va­cy poli­cies. Click­ing on links to oth­er web­sites will re­sult in your leav­ing the Kühne Cen­ter web­site. The web­sites linked to are not un­der the con­trol of the Kühne Cen­ter. The Kühne Cen­ter of­fers no guar­an­tee and ac­cepts no li­a­bil­i­ty for we­b­cast­ing and oth­er forms of in­ter­ac­tion with third par­ties’ web­sites. If you use these, you do so at your own risk and with­out our per­mis­sion.

Only links to the home page of this web­site are per­mit­ted. Deep link­ing (di­rect links to a sub­sidiary page) is only per­mit­ted with the ex­press con­sent of the Kühne Cen­ter. Fram­ing of the web­site, in­di­vid­ual pages and/or ob­jects on these pages is only per­mit­ted with ex­press con­sent.

This is a trans­la­tion. In case of le­gal dis­putes, the orig­i­nal Ger­man ver­sion alone is bind­ing.

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