
Trade Agreements: Taking Criticism Seriously

In an ar­ti­cle for “Die Volk­swirtschaft”, Ralph Ossa ex­plains the eco­nom­ic dam­age that would re­sult from the col­lapse of the mul­ti­lat­er­al trad­ing sys­tem. Ac­cord­ing to his cal­cu­la­tions, in the worst case, 25 per­cent of trade gains could be de­stroyed on av­er­age – with con­sid­er­ably vari­a­tion from coun­try to coun­try. Switzer­land would also have to reck­on with ma­jor loss­es: ac­cord­ing to Ossa’s cal­cu­la­tions, real in­come in Switzer­land would col­lapse by as much as 14 per­cent. Ossa sees three main rea­sons for the re­ori­en­ta­tion of Amer­i­can trade pol­i­cy. First, the grow­ing aver­sion to for­eign trade among cer­tain sec­tions of the pop­u­la­tion, who faced ma­jor loss­es due to trad­ing with Chi­na. Sec­ond­ly, the frus­tra­tion of US com­pa­nies over the pro­tec­tion of their in­tel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty in Chi­na and the state cap­i­tal­ism there, which the WTO can only con­trol to a lim­it­ed ex­tent. And third, the ap­par­ent mis­per­cep­tion of the Trump ad­min­is­tra­tion that for­eign trade is a zero-sum game in which the US ei­ther wins or los­es. In his ar­ti­cle, Ossa elab­o­rates par­tic­u­lar­ly on the sec­ond rea­son and ex­plains why the Amer­i­can-Chi­nese trade war is not pri­mar­i­ly about cus­toms pol­i­cy, but about se­cur­ing stan­dards.

Read ar­ti­cle (in Ger­man) on dievolk­

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