
The Latest Move in the Trade War

Sev­en yuen for one dol­lar: the trade con­flict be­tween the USA and Chi­na has reached a new es­ca­la­tion stage with the cross­ing of this hith­er­to mag­i­cal bound­ary. Trump ac­cus­es Chi­na of cur­ren­cy ma­nip­u­la­tion, Chi­na re­jects the ac­cu­sa­tions. An as­sess­ment of the ad­van­tages and dis­ad­van­tages of the Chi­nese tac­tic by Ralph Ossa.

10vor10 from 06.08.2019 (in Ger­man) Re­port starts at 01:10
Tagess­chau from 06.08.2019 (in Ger­man) Re­port starts at 07:51
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