
The Future of Global Trade: trade wars, protectionism and globalization

US Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump has turned glob­al trade re­la­tions up­side down. How­ev­er, glob­al­iza­tion was al­ready on a down­ward path be­fore Trump, as a NZZ ar­ti­cle shows. To­geth­er with three fel­low econ­o­mists, Ralph Ossa pro­vides an­swers on the fu­ture de­vel­op­ment of trade pol­i­cy in an in­ter­view with NZZ.

In the ar­ti­cle, Ossa points out the pre­car­i­ous sit­u­a­tion of the WTO, which is cur­rent­ly in an ex­is­ten­tial cri­sis and can no longer even ful­fil its core tasks. Politi­cians are called upon to re­form the WTO as quick­ly as pos­si­ble. Asked about the fu­ture of the Swiss econ­o­my, Ossa stress­es the es­sen­tial im­por­tance of trade with Switzer­land’s EU neigh­bors: “That is why it is so im­por­tant to en­sure sta­ble trade re­la­tions with the EU or at least to be aware of the enor­mous costs of a se­ri­ous dis­rup­tion,” he says.

Read ar­ti­cle (in Ger­man) on NZZ On­line

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