
We welcome a new researcher

We wel­come Prof. Mar­cos Ri­tel as af­fil­i­at­ed re­searcher at the Kühne Cen­ter for Sus­tain­able Trade and Lo­gis­tics. Mar­cos is also an As­sis­tant Pro­fes­sor of In­ter­na­tion­al Trade at the Kühne Lo­gis­tics Uni­ver­si­ty. He re­ceived his PhD in Eco­nom­ics from the Sao Paulo School of Eco­nom­ics - FGV in Brazil in 2020. Dur­ing his grad­u­ate stud­ies he vis­it­ed the De­part­ment of Eco­nom­ics at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Zurich as an SNSF Ex­cel­lence in Re­search Schol­ar­ship Hold­er. He was also a PhD in­tern at the head­quar­ters of the World Trade Or­ga­ni­za­tion in Gene­va, where he con­duct­ed pol­i­cy-ori­ent­ed re­search. Mar­cos’ spe­cial­iza­tion is in the field of in­ter­na­tion­al trade and trade pol­i­cy.

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