Im­pact Se­ries: 01–21

Crumbling Economy, Booming Trade
The Surprising Resilience of World Trade in 2020


How can it be that we experience a historic recession, but international trade is doing just fine? In this Kühne Impact Series, we argue that the COVID-19 recession is one in which non-tradable services suffer but tradable goods thrive. Reasons include that (i) consumption of in-person services is restricted; (ii) demand for consumer durables is strong; (iii) demand for medical goods is high; and (iv) online shopping is popular.

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The COVID-19 re­ces­sion is the deep­est re­ces­sion since the end of the Sec­ond World War. For ex­am­ple, the GDP of OECD coun­tries con­tract­ed by a stag­ger­ing -12.2 % dur­ing the COVID-19 re­ces­sion be­tween the fourth quar­ter of 2019 and the sec­ond quar­ter of 2020 (the two quar­ters pre­ced­ing the trough). As a point of com­par­i­son, the GDP of OECD coun­tries con- tract­ed by a much small­er -4.6% dur­ing the Great Re­ces­sion of 2008-09 be­tween the sec­ond quar­ter of 2008 and the first quar­ter of 2009 (the three quar­ters pre­ced­ing the trough).

Yet, in­ter­na­tion­al trade has been sur­pris­ing­ly re­silient in 2020. The ex­port vol­umes of OECD coun­tries fell by 24% dur­ing the first two quar­ters of 2020 but were al­ready back to 95% of their pre-cri­sis lev­el at the end of the third quar­ter of 2020. Dur­ing the Great Re­ces­sion, in con­trast, the ex­port vol­umes of OECD coun­tries fell by 32% over the same time span (two quar­ters - 2008-Q4 and 2009-Q1) and took more than two years to re­cov­er (in 2010-Q1, so al­most a year af­ter the trough of the re­ces­sion, ex­port vol­umes were still only at 85% of their pre-cri­sis lev­el).

The COVID-19 recession is the deepest recession since the end of the Second World War. Yet, international trade has been surprisingly resilient in 2020.

Note: This fig­ure dis­plays the quar­ter­ly evo­lu­tion of GDP and mer­chan­dise trade in OECD coun­tries dur­ing the Great Re­ces­sion and the COVID-19 cri­sis so far. Data: OECD

In this Kühne Im­pact Se­ries, we pro­pose an ex­pla­na­tion for the sur­pris­ing re­silience of world trade in 2020 and the as­so­ci­at­ed de­cou­pling of glob­al trade and GDP dy­nam­ics. We base our ex­pla­na­tion on an in­tu­itive con­cep­tu­al frame­work in which trade flows de-pend on the (i) sup­ply of trad­able goods by firms, (ii) the de­mand for trad­able goods by firms and house-holds, and (iii) trade costs (cus­tom du­ties and tax­es, but also trans­porta­tion costs and ex­port cred­its).

The dramatic drop in world trade at the onset of the pandemic was the result of a “perfect storm”.

From perfect storm to isolated crisis

The dra­mat­ic drop in world trade at the on­set of the pan­dem­ic was the re­sult of a “per­fect storm”. In par­tic­u­lar, the sup­ply of trad­ed goods was in­ter­rupt­ed by lock­downs and plants clo­sures; the de­mand for trad­ed goods plum­met­ed due to in­creased in­come un­cer­tain­ty, rais­ing un­em­ploy­ment and so­cial dis­tanc­ing; and trade costs sky­rock­et­ed due to ex­port re­stric­tions, ground­ed planes, and closed bor­ders. Hence, the pan­dem­ic had an ad­verse ef­fect on all ma­jor de­ter­mi­nants of glob­al trade, which ex­plains its ini­tial col­lapse. The sub­se­quent re­cov­ery of glob­al trade is due to sev­er­al fac­tors:

First, glob­al sup­ply re­cov­ered quick­ly. The key dri­ver of this was the spec­tac­u­lar re­bound of the Chi­nese econ­o­my. De­spite a large drop in GDP in the first quar­ter of 2020, Chi­na only ex­pe­ri­enced a very short V-shaped re­ces­sion. Chi­nese GDP was al­most back to its pre-pan­dem­ic lev­el by the end of March 2020. Im­por­tant­ly, Chi­na’s man­u­fac­tur­ing plants were open and run­ning dur­ing the most se­vere part of the lock­downs in West­ern economies (when plants were closed in Eu­rope or the Unit­ed States), and there­fore main­tained a lev­el of pro­duc­tion that could com­pen­sate the ini­tial col­lapse of the sup­ply of goods world­wide.

Note: This fig­ure dis­plays the quar­ter­ly change rel­a­tive to the pre­vi­ous year in the GDP of Chi­na, the Eu­ro­zone, and the U.S. over the pe­ri­od 2019–2020. Data: OECD

Lat­er, Eu­rope and the Unit­ed States also learned to cope bet­ter with the pan­dem­ic but nev­er quite man- aged to repli­cate Chi­na’s suc­cess.

Sec­ond, trade costs fell again quick­ly. Ex­port re­stric­tions were lift­ed as ear­ly as April 2020, there­by re­duc­ing the ini­tial dif­fi­cul­ties as­so­ci­at­ed with closed bor­ders. On top of this, fuel prices hit a record low in 2020, re­duc­ing trans­porta­tion costs. The price of crude oil per bar­rel was around US$55 in 2019, where- as it was less than US$20 in the first quar­ter of 2020.

Third, glob­al de­mand for trad­able goods quick­ly re­cov­ered. We now take a clos­er look at this part of the sto­ry be­cause it also plays a cen­tral role in our broad­er ar­gu­ment.

A recession in services

Our key point is that the de­mand for trad­able goods quick­ly re­bound­ed while the de­mand for non-trad­able ser­vices re­mained low. This ex­plains the de­cou­pling of glob­al trade and GDP dy­nam­ics and there­fore also the sur­pris­ing re­silience of glob­al trade. Trade and GDP dy­nam­ics can de­cou­ple be­cause GDP has many non-trad­able com­po­nents. For ex­am­ple, non-trad­able goods and ser­vices rep­re­sent 65% of U.S. GDP.

In par­tic­u­lar, U.S. na­tion­al ac­counts data re­veals that ser­vices re­quir­ing phys­i­cal in-per­son in­ter­ac­tions were both the key dri­ver of the down­turn in the sec­ond quar­ter of 2020 as well as the main rea­son why GDP re­mained low in the third quar­ter of 2020. Con­sumer durables, on the oth­er hand, only took a small hit in the sec­ond quar­ter of 2020 and even boomed in the third quar­ter of 2020 rel­a­tive to the pre­vi­ous year. This points to a shift in con­sumer ex­pen­di­ture away from pre­dom­i­nant­ly non-trad­ed in-per­son ser­vices (such as restau­rants, hair­cut­ting sa­lons or clean­ing ser­vices) to­wards pre­dom­i­nant­ly trad­ed con­sumer durables (such as com­put­ers, fur­ni­ture, and oth­er home ap­pli­ances).

Note: This fig­ure dis­plays the quar­ter­ly change in val­ue added of se­lect­ed U.S. sec­tors in 2020 rel­a­tive to 2019. Ex­clud­ed sec­tors are: Min­ing, Ex­trac­tion, Con­struc­tion, and Re­tail Trade. In­dus­tri­al goods in­clude non-durable in­ter­me­di­ate in­puts and in­vest­ment goods. Con­sumer non-durable goods in­clude food, tex­tile and ap­par­el, and pa­per prod­ucts. Con­sumer durable goods in­clude elec­tron­ics, fur­ni­ture, and home ap­pli­ances. Not in-per­son ser­vices in­clude busi­ness ser­vices, fi­nance, and real es­tate, as well as the health in­dus­try. Data: BEA – In­dus­try Eco­nom­ic Ac­count Data

This in­ter­pre­ta­tion is also con­sis­tent with re­cent re­search by Raj Chet­ty (Har­vard Uni­ver­si­ty) and co- au­thors who show that con­sumers over­whelm­ing­ly spent the mon­ey they re­ceived through fis­cal stim­uli on durable goods.1

There are a num­ber of plau­si­ble ex­pla­na­tions for this sub­sti­tu­tion in con­sumer spend­ing away from non- trad­ed ser­vices to­wards trad­ed goods. First, the pre­vail­ing san­i­tary mea­sures se­vere­ly re­strict­ed the pos­si­bil­i­ty to con­sume in-per­son ser­vices. Sec­ond, the need to work from home has pushed con­sumers to in­vest in elec­tron­ics and oth­er con­sumer durables. Third, the pan­dem­ic has cre­at­ed its own de­mand for trad­ed goods such as phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals, med­ical ap­par­el (gog­gles, gloves), and ob­vi­ous­ly masks. For ex­am­ple, trade vol­umes of FFP2 and FFP3 masks – which are main­ly pro­duced in Chi­na – in­creased 15-fold be­tween Feb­ru­ary and May 2020. And fourth, there has been a surge in on­line shop­ping (with an av­er­age in­crease in turnover of 16% rel­a­tive to 2019), which like­ly also added to the de­mand of trad­able goods.

Our key point is that the demand for tradable goods quickly rebounded while the demand for non-tradable services remained low.

Source: This fig­ure dis­plays the month­ly change in turnover for re­tail trade over­all, and for re­tail trade through mail or­der and in­ter­net for 2019–2020. Data: OECD

This shift in spend­ing to­wards trad­able goods is also the key dif­fer­ence be­tween the COVID-19 re­ces­sion and the Great Re­ces­sion of 2008–2009. In par­tic­u­lar, Jonathan Eaton (PennState) and co-au­thors showed that the col­lapse in de­mand in 2008–2009 shift­ed fi­nal spend­ing away from trad­able goods, par­tic­u­lar­ly by re­duc­ing in­vest­ment in durable goods by firms.2 They es­ti­mate this shift to ac­count for al­most two- thirds of the col­lapse in glob­al trade rel­a­tive to GDP dur­ing that time. In to­day’s pan­dem­ic, trade in in­vest­ment goods and con­sumer durables were in­stead on the rise as ear­ly as May 2020.

Note: This fig­ure dis­plays the month­ly change in ag­gre­gate vol­umes of trad­ed goods in 2020. Con­sumer durable goods in­clude elec­tron­ics, ap­pli­ances, and fur­ni­ture. Con­sumer non-durable goods in­clude agri­cul­tur­al goods, tex­tile, and ap­par­els, as well as pa­per prod­ucts. Non-durable in­ter­me­di­ate in­puts in­clude raw ma­te­ri­als, chem­i­cals, and plas­tics. In­vest­ment goods in­clude man­u­fac­tured parts and wood prod­ucts. Data: COM­TRADE

Conclusion – A recession that favors demand for trade

So, how can it be that we ex­pe­ri­ence a his­toric re­ces­sion, but in­ter­na­tion­al trade is do­ing just fine? The rea­son is that, fol­low­ing an ini­tial col­lapse, the COVID-19 re­ces­sion de­vel­oped into one where non-trad­able ser­vices suf­fer and trad­able goods thrive. Plau­si­ble ex­pla­na­tions for this are that (i) the lock­down mea­sures have made it all but im­pos­si­ble to con­sume in-per­son ser­vices; (ii) the need to work from home has in­creased spend­ing on con­sumer durables; (iii) the pan­dem­ic has di­rect­ly cre­at­ed de­mand for trad­able med­ical goods; and (iv) a surge in on­line shop­ping has fa­vored trad­able goods.

An open ques­tion is whether this de­mand for trade is sus­tain­able. Large parts of the econ­o­my are cur­rent­ly on “life sup­port”, with gov­ern­ment pro­grams and busi­ness own­ers cov­er­ing huge loss­es to keep busi­ness afloat. With­out a com­pre­hen­sive re­cov­ery, these parts of the econ­o­my will even­tu­al­ly col­lapse with un­cer­tain im­pli­ca­tions for glob­al trade.

  • Chet­ty, R. and Fried­man, J. N., and Hen­dren, N. and Step­n­er, M. No­vem­ber 2021
    The Eco­nom­ic Im­pacts of COVID-19: Ev­i­dence from a New Pub­lic Data­base Built Us­ing Pri­vate Sec­tor Data
  • Eaton, J. and Ko­r­tum, S. and Neiman, B. and Ro­ma­lis, J. 2016
    Trade and the Glob­al Re­ces­sion


Mathilde Le Moigne

Senior Research Fellow at the Kühne Center for Sustainable Trade and Logistics at the University of Zurich


Ralph Ossa

Kühne Foundation Professor of International Trade


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